V23.2 (07.05.2023)
Bug fixes
In V23.1, GPS reception status was no longer indicated in the status bar. As a consequence, the vario never went into flight mode, and therefore, the vario remained silent if set to sound in flight only. This bug has been fixed now.
V23.1 (17.04.2023)
- WiFi connections are more stable on hotspots created by the latest breed of mobile phones.
- Improved method to detect a USB connection. A few devices were no longer able to create a working USB connection, or got stuck in USB mode once a connection was established. With this improvement, all devices will once again be able to connect with and disconnect from a computer as expected.
V19.3 (26.10.2020)
- The time indicator can now be configured to show current time of day.
Bug fixes
- Race route: Distance to next is now calculated correctly also if the next turn point is a goal line.
- Relative altimeters can easily be set to zero again: Either long-tap on the indicator, or tap the “reset” button visible after a short-tap on the indicator.
- Under certain circumstances IGC and KMZ files were missing. We solved most of those cases in V19.1, but not all of them. The remainder has been resolved now.
V19.1 (14.8.2020)
Bug fixes
- In some cases, the synchronization between internal and external memory failed, resulting in loss of IGC and/or Google Earth files.
V19.0 (8.8.2020)
- Airspace warnings remain on screen for a configurable duration
- Additional language: Portuguese
- Almost all laptops accept the USB connection now. We still have some problems with some Microsoft Surface models, but there is a work-around. Contact us if you need more information.
- Next turnpoint selector in next turnpoint indicator WIP: Accept touch screen input
- Near-thermal-tone only when moving
- More pronounced sounds when reaching turnpoint
- Time zone database update
- Improve race route optimization
- Improve WiFi detection: Ignore updates when actual network is missing
Bug fixes
- Shutdown screen does not close previously open entry boxes
- Indicator detail page for direction always gives unit in degree
- Direction “W” not translated in French
- Special characters in pilot names lead to problems (and crashes) in IGC and KMZ files.
- Some airspace categories are not parsed.
- Wind direction in degree gives negative values

Eagle 18.1.23 (15.8.2018)
Keep airspace warnings on the screen until confirmed with the “back” button. We are working on making the return automatic, after a configurable time, or manual, including tapping on the screen. (Known issue: Tapping on the screen right now will cause it to “grey out” – you can still go back to the previous screen with the “back” button).
Bug fixes
GAL-666 – Prevent ghost flights after replay: Only log flights longer than 2 minutes
GAL-668 – Prevent application crash during airspace import: correctly lock airspace archive during import
GAL-678 – Ensure route is stored in database when turning off vario while inside route editor
GAL-679 – Fix display position of large airspaces on the map
GAL-680 – Airspace import: include TMZ and RMZ
Eagle 18.1.19 (22.7.2018)
Show airspace warnings
Configure warnings per airspace class (off / show / warn)
Configure maximum warning altitude, ignore airspaces above
GAL-592 – Race routes: Make navigation to next cylinder more obvious
GAL-656 – Additional map zoom levels
GAL-657 – Improve touch sensor handling: Filter bounces
GAL-658 – No GPS: Use last known position for maps
GAL-659 – All pages listing multiple items look and work the same
GAL-660 – In list pages, make the whole header and footer clickable where applicable
GAL-661 – Race route: Increase maximum turnpoint cylinder radius to 1000 km
GAL-662 – Improve internal handling of language switch, indicate “busy” on screen
Bug fixes
GAL-562 – Airspaces disappear from race map
GAL-647 – USB: Device is still called ‘Connect 1’
GAL-650 – Next Turnpoint indicator: Click to see list: Crash if going back beyond start
GAL-652 – Crash when plugging in USB during airspace or waypoint file import
GAL-663 – Race route: Fix bug where in some cases reaching goal was not detected
Eagle 18.0.4 (20.3.2018)
Additional language: Japanese
Calculate route distances on WGS84 ellipsoid
GAL-639 – More choices for vario integration period
GAL-547 – Quicker landing detection
GAL-643 – Give user option to set default coordinate format
GAL-635 – Review translations for German and French
Bug fixes
GAL-630 – Race route: optimization error when goal is cylinder
GAL-640 – Prevent application crash when writing out KMZ file
GAL-641 – Prevent application crash during airspace file selection

Condor 17.2.3 (5.10.2017)
Spanish translation
Flight log
Import of existing flights into flight log on first start after update
Flight log statistics page
Touch sensor calibration page
XC distance calculation, now finds best distance using any start point, 3 turnpoints, and any end point
Error reporting back to support and developers in case of software problems
Bug fixes
GAL-449 – Time no longer moves when clicking status bar
GAL-554 – Correct calculation of required glide to Goto waypoint
GAL-615 – Always store QNE as baro altitude in IGC file
GAL-619 – Localization works now for manual coordinates entry
GAL-622 – No longer produce illegal results during manual coordinate entry
GAL-623 – No longer truncate description in certain cases during waypoint import
GAL-616 – Splash screen: “Connect 1” -> “P1”
GAL-617 – USB drive name: “CONNECT_1” -> “VOLIRIUM_P1”
Condor 17.1.3 (22.8.2017)
Turnpoint tolerance in race routes
Merged pages “Prep” – “Waypoints” and “Goto” into a single page, “Waypoints”
Easier, more intuitive way to import waypoints, with a menu at the top right
Waypoint import also available from the waypoint pick page in the route editor
Waypoint import for GPX and SeeYou (.cup) files, as well as CompeGPS UTM files
When entering or editing a waypoint’s coordinates, the coordinate format can be changed (menu at the top right)
The available coordinate formats now include UTM
Improved manual entry of coordinates (you no longer have to delete the “mask” first)
“Delete all” for waypoints, routes, and turnpoints in routes
Use new date format in IGC files
Bug fixes
GAL-557 – Units in vario settings are always m/s, even if default for vertical speed is fpm
Correct C-Record format in the IGC file
Condor 17.0.8 (16.4.2017)
Better error reporting back to us in case of software problems
Condor 17.0.5 (28.3.2017)
Bug fixes
GAL-560 – Route: Setting times: Make on-screen button work again
Condor 17.0.4 (26.3.2017)
Flight replay
Factory reset is now better protected from accidental execution

Buzzard 16.0.9 (4.11.2016)
French translation
Russian translation
Improved XC distance calculation
Virtual keyboard for input of all numeric values
Buzzard 15.0.3 (29.7.2016)
GAL-540 – XC distance indication in flight
GAL-552 – Pilot can select which flight pages are displayed in flight app
GAL-553 – Pilot can select the indicator for each field on the flight pages
GAL-551 – Wind calculations are quicker and more accurate
Buzzard 14.1.9 (18.7.2016)
Bug fixes
GAL-550 – Opening XC flight page creates additional instances of the route distance indicator
Buzzard 14.0.8 (13.7.2016)
GAL-535 – C-Records in IGC file
GAL-536 – Competition route: Multiple start gates
GAL-539 – Switching radius for XC route can be configured
GAL-532 – Do not reset airtime right after landing
Bug fixes
GAL-480 – Error loading airspace file (Slowenia)GAL-492 – Relative altitude: Wrong number (-400k ft!)
GAL-497 – Freeze when changing audio frequency
GAL-534 – Distance to goal calculation may be wrong
GAL-543 – Airspace file South Africa: Parser fails
GAL-548 – Wrong encoding for waypoint names in “Next WP” indicator
Buzzard 13.0.7 (9.6.2016)
GAL-115 – Route – Required glide to next turnpoint ant to goal
GAL-116 – Route – Remaining distance to next turnpoint and to goal
GAL-122 – Competition – Required glide and remaining distance along optimized route
GAL-517 – Competition – Correct optimization for ESS
GAL-518 – Competition – Detect goal crossing for line and half circle
GAL-523 – Support for Ozi Explorer V1.1 waypoint files
GAL-525 – Indicator for next turnpoint, can be used to advance / retract in route
GAL-526 – Competition time indicator: Launch, Start, Race, Deadline
GAL-527 – Flight page with map for route flying
GAL-504 – Make Goto/Route active state more obvious
GAL-528 – Show “on exit” or “on entry” in turnpoint list of a route
GAL-529 – Deactivate route once it is completed
GAL-530 – Happy sound when completing a turnpoint also in XC route
GAL-531 – Show Exit/Enter instead of goal line when marking last turnpoint as SSS
Bug fixes
GAL-519 – Route editor: Leave “+” button visible with long lists (routes and waypoints)
GAL-524 – Near-thermal tone not audible
Buzzard 12.0.6 (17.5.2016)
GAL-121 – Race route – Route optimization
GAL-126 – Race route – Define goal line / circle / semi circle
GAL-127 – Race route – Define cylinder around route waypoint
GAL-129 – Race route – Task editor
GAL-516 – Race route – Indicate distance to next cylinder
Buzzard 11.1.6 (30.3.2016)
GAL-515 – MovingMap: fixed heading-up and airspace-on not applied after reboot
Buzzard 11.0.6 (23.3.2016)
GAL-91 – Load waypoints from file
GAL-113 – Define XC route
GAL-114 – Fly XC route
GAL-500 – Improve load speed for flight pages
Buzzard 10.0.10 (18.2.2016)
GAL-469 – Goto: Select waypoint
GAL-470 – Goto: Indicators for distance, bearing
GAL-482 – Standard unit configuration
GAL-491 – New flight app pages: Thermal, Thermal XL, Wind, XC, Map
GAL-409 – Map: bigger scale factor
GAL-478 – Relative altitude: Return path from “Adjust”
Bug fixes
GAL-342 – Altitude in ft: Too few digits
GAL-486 – northing indicator on Map moves while map is in north up direction
GAL-487 – Waypoint coordinate entry GPS option results in missing altitude
Buzzard 9.0.6 (18.1.2016)
GAL-108 – Waypoints: define (current position, manual entry)
GAL-255 – Vario audio only during flight
GAL-389 – User field: Current heading
GAL-422 – Map: North indicator in heading up mode
GAL-379 – Make active page persistent
GAL-400 – Persist relative altitude settings
Bug fixes
GAL-444 – Adjusting altitude with on-screen buttons: automatic jump back to flight screen
GAL-474 – KMZ generation cannot be de-activated

Albatross 8.0.6 (17.11.2015)
GAL-102 – Evaluate – Generate flight track file for Google Earth (KMZ)
GAL-386 – Testing: Display pressure sensor temperature
GAL-388 – User field: Flight time
GAL-399 – Battery protection: low power auto shutdown
GAL-407 – Vario – Make base frequency adjustable
GAL-265 – Improve battery capacity curve for more accurate battery capacity information
Bug fixes
GAL-404 – Jumping back from configuration screens: Home, should be Flight
GAL-405 – Jumping back from configuration screen even while key is pressed
Albatross 7.0.4 (13.10.2015)
GAL-327 Screen lock for launch
GAL-385 Wind indication
GAL-387 Display current time
GAL-390 User field: Current glide ratio
GAL-396 Enable post-mortem debugging
GAL-397 IGC replay in test mode
GAL-89 Airspace: select airspace file from list of all uploaded files
GAL-395 Airspace: support circular airspace definitions
GAL-406 Airspace: indicate in map whether “inside” or “outside”
Albatross 6.0.7 (2.9.2015)
GAL-90 Airspace – 2D map visualisation
GAL-377 Acoustic vario: disable thermal exit cut-off while in flight for now
GAL-394 USB mass storage: Display pre- and post-connection screens
Bug fixes
GAL-343 Black block instead of number on display
GAL-391 Galapagos crashes after the pilot launches
GAL-393 USB mass storage: takes an increasingly long time until connection with PC is established
Albatross 5.0.7 (10.8.2015)
GAL-86 Free relative altitude (including setting to zero)
GAL-310 Write protection for USB mass storage drive
GAL-358 WiFi Connection feedback (connected, connecting, error or wrong password)
GAL-359 Enable WEP as additional permitted WiFi security mechanism
Bug fixes
GAL-351 Downloading an update does not stop
GAL-383 Longitudes between 0 and 1 degree west of Greenwich are wrong
Albatross 4.1.8 (23.7.2015)
Bug fixes
GAL-369 USB mass storage: garbled data in files
Albatross 4.0.5 (16.7.2015)
GAL-99 Generate IGC file
GAL-299 USB mass storage (USB mode)
Albatross 3.0.5 (30.6.2015)
GAL-88 Speed: Display GPS speed (includes GPS icon in status bar)
GAL-267 Detect launch and landing
GAL-284 Explicit control of sensor processor QNH auto adjustment from application
GAL-307 Set LCD contrast
Bug fixes
GAL-309 Touching screen during boot-up causes vario to crash
GAL-341 Replace “satellite(s)” with “satellite” or “satellites”, depending on satellite count.
GAL-288 Double tap on app icon ends up in empty WIP Screen
GAL-305 Set launch altitude: value changes on “unclick” of virtual button
GAL-338 No IGC recorded if pilot info is not given
GAL-339 Log entry: unable to store B record
Albatross 2.0.8 (28.5.2015)
GAL-85 Altitude: Enter QNH
GAL-260 Re-adjust device time from GPS once at bootup
GAL-263 Widget configuration auto back
GAL-264 Configuration app: Default config item on config pages
Bug fixes
GAL-257 Volume setup Screen accepts clicks outside of button border
GAL-258 Battery level in percent doesn’t match with battery level symbol
Albatross 1.0.11 (30.4.2015)
GAL-75 Vario: numeric display
GAL-76 Vario: min/max for flight on Widget Info Page (WIP)
GAL-77 Vario: configure integration constant
GAL-78 Setup WiFi
GAL-79 Visualize connectivity state
GAL-80 Vario: simple graphic display
GAL-81 Vario: configure acoustics through presets
GAL-82 Automatic firmware update
GAL-83 Altitude: display
GAL-84 Altitude: select from multiple sources
GAL-87 Altitude: select unit
GAL-97 Visualize battery state in status bar
GAL-219 Turn off device